Event box

GIS Centre's Lunchless Learn - ArcGIS Pro Raster: How to become a Raster Master
What is a 'Lunchless Learn', you may ask? It's a hands-on tutorial, held around lunchtime, open to all on campus - without the food!
A GIS, or Geographic Information System, is "a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, integrating, manipulating, analyzing and displaying data relating to positions on earth's surface" In other words, it's an easy and fun way to look at the world differently.
This is a series to help give people a taste of what GIS is and how it can be used. To try and accommodate more people we are offering the same session at different times and locations. These sessions are meant to be self contained. After the Intro session – take only the topics that are important/interest you!
** This session is being offered in ArcGIS Pro
- Date:
- Wednesday, October 12, 2022
- Time:
- 1:00pm - 2:30pm
- Location:
- Online
- Audience:
- Faculty Graduate Students Staff Undergraduate Students
- Categories:
- Workshops
It is assumed that you have ArcGIS Pro loaded on the machine that you will be using. This software is available on most Windows machines across campus as well as through VLab (ArcGIS) - for more info check out https://dalu.sharepoint.com/sites/software, or can be downloaded to your own Windows based machine from https://software.library.dal.ca/ .
If you have any questions or concerns please let me know - jennifer.strang@dal.ca 902-494-1396
Event Organizer
GIS Analyst
Killam Memorial Library, GIS Centre
6225 University Ave
Halifax, NS