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Love Data Week: Gathering data about Indigenous gender and identity: what is missing from the numbers?
Drawing examples from research as well as her own life, Dr. Margaret Robinson provides important context about Indigenous gender roles and Indigenous identities, explaining how data collected in surveys, including Canadian surveys, can lack nuance and utility by failing to reflect Indigenous interests or worldviews.
About your presenter: Margaret Robinson is a Mi’kmaw scholar and a member of Lennox Island First Nation. She grew up in Sheet Harbour, in the Eskikewa’kik district of Mi’kma’ki. Margaret works as an Associate Professor at Dalhousie University in her traditional territory of Mi’kma’ki. She identifies as two-spirit, bisexual, and queer, conducts research with sexual and gender minority people, and holds the Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Reconciliation, Gender, and Identity.
About Love Data week: Check out the Love Data Week research guide (https://dal.ca.libguides.com/lovedata) for additional online events hosted by Dalhousie or by other institutions in Atlantic Canada and beyond! Check back often for new additions!
And don't miss RDM from all angles (https://dal.libcal.com/calendar/events/RDMangles), a presentation available exclusively to the Dalhousie community.
This session is being organized by the Council of Atlantic Academic Libraries and is restricted to faculty and staff of CAAL-CBPA or COPPUL institutions (which includes Dalhousie University). Please use this link to register.